The Amphi

Through performance, film, installation, sound, and fashion, a social imprint and identity of the Amphi dynasty is created. The Amphi Tribe, from the year 4734 coexisted at the same time as the Wahashm Tribe, though they were unaware of one another.

Carbon Warrior
The protector of the lands. Her quartz wings gave her flight as she roamed the lands. Her octo-extensions, resemble the behavior of octopus, helping her to scavenge and stand her ground against what might come her way. She is the symbol for the land while her sisters breathe the ocean waters.

Science Fiction Warrior Anaeis Ohanian 2019
Amphi Carbon warrior Anaeis Ohanian 2019
The Amphi Cabon Warrior Sunrise Still Anaeis Ohanian

Leader of The Amphi.
She stayed in the ocean waters, surrounded by the ruins of the past city of Los Angeles and her tribe’s dynasty. She had the ability and gentle force of controlling the ambient environment around The Amphi.

amphi Leader close up anaeis ohanian2019
Amphi Leader Anaeis Ohanian 2019