6007, the inaugural piece in my Objecthood series, embarks on a speculative journey through the Bentonians Museum of the Apponoastos. This imagined institution curates found artifacts from the enigmatic Wahashm tribe, whose existence and ideals challenge the viewer to contemplate future histories.
The genesis of this work lies in a meditation on the trajectory of human society amidst our current environmental and consumerist practices. How might we adapt to an era defined by ecological collapse and rising temperatures? What radical ideologies would emerge in opposition to unchecked consumption and its resulting dystopia?
This page offers a glimpse into the year 6007, where the Wahashm—fierce advocates of anti-consumerism—stood in defiance of the neighboring city, The Apponoastos. Their beliefs, rooted in sustainability and minimalism, positioned them as adversaries to the dominant culture, whose relentless pursuit of material excess ultimately defined their fate.
Here, the artifacts serve as remnants of that ideological clash, reflecting both the cultural evolution of the Wahashm and the tensions that shaped their world.
Wonderfully thought out, intricately designed by loyal consumers of the historic Westafillans, the greatest city ever heard of. Shops of curiosities and wonders of mazes of all you could ever need, objects from all places, views of all other beauties, the ones you just need. Some choose to disagree, dropping of our walls of strengths and powers, disrupting the flow of the city of Westafillans which, we have now re-built as The Apponoastos. The original 36 members of the Wahashm fled our wonderous city in the year 2979 in order to become established somewhere between the mountain of the devil heat of the Death Siyn Vallay. They build communals for they fight the belief they must know. Descendants of the Wahashms are being tracked for their non compliances to our believes, theft of ours and all of ours, disturbances and ruinings of our towers of objects.
Container Capsule of the Wahashm CE 6007
Found on the outskirts of the Mojave desert, while tracking the evil, were their burials from the year 6007, their technologies which were only possibles with our glorious materials. Minimized objects from the Wahashms placed within this protective vessel, keeping the objects intact. Held in their pocket of their worships for their yearly traditional of erasing our teachings.
The high temperatures of 438 degrees near their barbaric camp had caused plastic to merge into the earth, eliminating nature as we knew it, creating rock from our plastics, look at all the wonder, the glories the Westafillans have created.
Rocks of the Wahashm CE 6007
Our technologies have not been able to yet discover the true function of this artifact. Apologizes for any inconveniences. Please check back in the future for more information.
Unknown Objekt CE 6007
Shrink Ray of the Wahashm CE 6007
Shrink ray shrunk their particles of our objects and their remixes for their conveniences after sneaking in and out of our glorious city.
Screeches! Awful screeches! Of what they call life, their gibberish, unintelligently puts together without the sound of our spending. They dances to celebrate the living, the movements of all and nothing, we civilly walk and stare at our machine gods for luxury wouldn’t exist without our wonders and immortal beings, our materials.
In collaboration with Clutch
Music of the Wahashm CE 6007
Blanket CE 6007
This Wahashm blanket was created with technology that was used to keep cool under the extreme temperatures of four hundred thirty eight degrees. Afters 2369 years, this blanket has become nonfunctional.
Their weapons secretly, well hidden within their bodies decorations. Attached to the inside of their vessels, their bodies electromagnetics powered the electricities sent through the springs of their necklace, when activated would rise and attack our men, wrapping them in order to electrocute their bodies.
Weapon of the Wahashm CE 6007
Heat reducing wires wrapped around their neck for the aesthetic of idiots, thanks to all we provide. They would place a black ring for every year of their time on their land.
Fashion of the Wahashm; Thermoscarf CE 6007
After 2369 years, we are one step closer to their hideout. How they have hid for this long, we now know through their use of invisibility field through this device. It would also eliminate contaminants from the air inside their dome and regulate temperatures.
Invisibilitie Pole CE 6007
Fashion of the Wahashm; Seedalator CE 6007
Coverings so little of their bodies, showings of so much for they used their clothing in order to telepathically controlling wires planting their own seed for their food. We have no need for growing our own food, for we have luxury. Why do it yourselves when you can buy it for yourselves.
Clings and clacks that only adds to the screeches of our ears. Tied to their fingers, where with movements more clings and clacks.
Wahashm Instruments CE 6007
Photography by Steve Lucero at The Artery Los Angeles